
We are Kelsey and Kaushal

We are New York based designers and travelers. The Week Off is the story of all of our research and experiences from our travels.

After finishing graduate school, we moved to the city to start our first design jobs. It wasn’t long before we fell into a familiar routine, working long weekdays and recouping our energy on the weekends. Then in 2014, we decided to change things up and took the week off to travel to Greece. What started as a casual vacation soon developed into our new hobby and instilled in us a desire to see the rest of the world.

This name “The Week Off” captures how we travel, i.e. short one to two week vacations. While we would love to travel for longer periods of time, as a Nepalese citizen Kaushal has to work through a lot of complex visa restrictions and immigration requirements. With limited vacation time we focus our trips on unique experiences and use the knowledge and inspiration from the travel community to craft fully-packed itineraries. Our trips are a good balance of visits to well known landmarks and spots off-the-beaten paths with can’t miss experiences weaved throughout.

While we started The Week Off to immortalize all of our wonderful memories and experiences, we also hope that the stories and photos here will help and inspire you to create your own magical moments.

Here is a bit more about us and our travel interests:


Born in the US, Kelsey grew up in a small town on the east coast.  At 18, she went to college in NYC and almost instantly fell in love with the vibrant city atmosphere. She loved how it was a nexus for food, music, art, culture, and more. In school she studied art history and learned about all of the great masters, many of which have famous works just a subway ride away. 

Now when she travels, itineraries must have stops at the local art museums, architecture highlights, and renowned monuments. And no trip is complete without taking in the best of the region’s food and drinks – especially if there are sweets involved. As she sees more of the world, she loves seeing how different cultures influence each other. Although each country has their own story to tell, it’s amazing to see how connected this world truly is. 

Meet Kaushal

Born in Nepal, Kaushal spent most of his life living in cities throughout India and Nepal. At 23, he had the opportunity to visit the US on a business trip and become the first person in his family to own a passport and travel outside the Indian subcontinent. Since then he has motivated the rest of his family to experience life outside home and has traveled to over 50 countries himself.

When planning a trip, breathtaking landscapes dominate his list of must see spots – mountains, volcanoes, glaciers, and deserts being some of his favorites. He’ll then balance this out with stops at places of great cultural or historical significance and often study up beforehand by watching a ton of documentaries. Through travel he hopes to learn about all of the world’s history, cultures, and people firsthand.